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On this page you will find an overview of how to configure Tauri (v1 and v2) auto-updater with CrabNebula Cloud. This will allow you to automatically update your application as soon as you publish a new release on Cloud without having to manually handle the update process.

Before you can adjust your tauri.conf.json file to configure the update endpoint, you need to generate a cryptographic key pair for your application which will be used to check if the update is valid or might have been tampered with. The public key will be used to verify the update (needs to be put in the tauri.conf.json file) and the private key (has to be kept secret!) will be used to sign the new release when you publish it.

Run the following command to generate a key pair for your application:

Terminal window
cargo tauri signer generate -w ~/.tauri/myapp.key

You should now see the two keyfiles ~/.tauri/myapp.key and ~/.tauri/

Now you need to add the following configuration to your tauri.conf.json file:

"tauri": {
"updater": {
"active": true,
"endpoints": [
"dialog": true,
"pubkey": "PUBKEY"

Make sure to replace ORG_NAME with your organizations name on Cloud, APP_NAME with the apps name on Cloud and PUBKEY with the public key from ~/.tauri/