Upload Assets
An asset is the compiled binary that will be distributed to users. Before uploading assets be sure to create a draft release.
In order to upload an asset the following are needed:
- The Application’s slug (example:
) - The Organization’s slug (example:
) - Release ID (printed to the console when creating a new draft or can be found on the Cloud Platform page for the specific release)
- The application asset file
- Optional: The signature file for the asset
- Optional: The public platform name
- Optional: The update platform name
To upload an asset run the following command:
cn release upload {org-slug/app-slug} {release-id} \--public-platform {public-platform-name} \--update-platform {update-platform-name} \--file {asset-file-path} \--signature {signature-file-path}
Public Platform --public-platform
The public platform is referenced in your application market page, download buttons and can be used to fetch the asset in the latest release via the CDN. For more information, see the Fetch Latest Release page.
Common public platform names for Tauri and cargo-packager are listed below:
Bundle Format | x86_64 | aarch64 | i686 | armv7 |
Debian | deb-x86_64 | deb-aarch64 | deb-i686 | deb-armv7 |
RPM | rpm-x86_64 | rpm-aarch64 | rpm-i686 | rpm-armv7 |
AppImage | appimage-x86_64 | appimage-aarch64 | appimage-i686 | appimage-armv7 |
Pacman | pacman-x86_64 | pacman-aarch64 | pacman-i686 | pacman-armv7 |
DMG | dmg-x86_64 | dmg-aarch64 | dmg-i686 | dmg-armv7 |
NSIS | nsis-x86_64 | nsis-aarch64 | nsis-i686 | nsis-armv7 |
WiX | wix-x86_64 | wix-aarch64 | wix-i686 | wix-armv7 |
Update Platform --update-platform
The update platform is used to check for updates by taking a version number and update platform and producing a JSON object containing the update data which can be used by application updaters such as the Tauri updater and the cargo packager auto updater. For more information, see the Fetch Latest Release page.
The --update-platform
flag is not needed if the asset is for example platform-independent (e.g.: a web app). If no platform is specified, the asset will be presented as a generic asset on the Cloud Platform.
Common update platform names for Tauri and cargo-packager are listed below:
Operating System | x86_64 | aarch64 | i686 | armv7 |
Linux | linux-x86_64 | linux-aarch64 | linux-i686 | linux-armv7 |
macOS | macos-x86_64 | macos-aarch64 | macos-i686 | macos-armv7 |
Windows | windows-x86_64 | windows-aarch64 | windows-i686 | windows-armv7 |
The --signature
flag is required if --update-platform
is set. If a .sig
file with the same name as the asset file exists, the CLI will use it by default.
Example Usage
Here is an example of uploading a linux-x86_64
binary for the crabnebula/devtools-desktop
application with a release ID of 01HKA6TGC281V51NGSRJNTJQAF
cn release upload "crabnebula/devtools-desktop" "01HKA6TGC281V51NGSRJNTJQAF" \--update-platform linux-x86_64 \--file path_to_binary \--signature path_to_signature
After an asset is uploaded it will then show up on the Cloud Platform under the “Releases” section for an application. Repeat this command for each platform and its respective asset to be distributed.
Next, publish the release.