Taurify ships universal APK (Android Application Package) and AAB (Android App Bundle) that are ready to be used in the Play Store.
Code signing for Android is mandatory. To generate a new signing key, run taurify jks generate --alias <key-alias> --validity <number-of-days> --output <key-path>
and follow the prompts. After creating the key, set the following environment variables:
: the key alias, provided in the--alias
: the key password you provided in the command promptANDROID_KEY
: base64 encoded signing key (.jks file) that can be obtained by runningbase64 -i <path/to/keystore.jks>
Distributing to Google Play
Taurify do not automatically distribute your application to Google Play as that is a violation of the Google Play Developer API Terms of Service (see API Usage Instructions for more information).
Alternatively, the Taurify CLI provides a command that can download the latest Android App Bundle locally and upload it to Google Play.
taurify submit --channel [alpha | beta | qa | production | <custom-channel>] --format aab --service-account-key-path path/to/service-account-key.json
The authentication with Google Play requires a service account. You can create a service account from the Google Play Console.
In the Google Cloud Console go to Service Accounts.
Click Create project and follow the steps or select an existing project. You will be redirected to the project page.
In the project page click Create service account and follow the steps.
Click on the newly created service account and select the Keys tab.
Click Add Key and select Create new key and follow the steps to create a JSON key.
The website will download the service account key which must be used with the Taurify CLI.
Go to the Users & Permissions page on the Google Play Console.
Click Invite new users.
Put an email address for your service account in the email address field and grant the necessary rights to perform actions.
Click Invite user.