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macOS installers are distributed in the Apple Disk Image (DMG) format. App updates are distributed as raw macOS app bundles.


Code signing on macOS requires enrolling to the Apple Developer program.

After enrolling, navigate to the Certificates page to create a new Developer ID Application (to share your app outside the App Store) or an Apple Distribution (for App Store distribution) certificate. Download the new certificate and install it to the macOS Keychain. To use the certificate for Taurify builds, you must export the certificate from the keychain:

  1. Open the Keychain Access app, click the My Certificates tab in the login keychain and find your certificate’s entry.

  2. Expand the entry, double-click on the key item, and select Export "$KEYNAME".

  3. Select the path to save the certificate’s .p12 file and define a password for the exported certificate.

  4. Convert the .p12 file to base64 running the following script on the terminal:

    openssl base64 -in /path/to/certificate.p12 -out certificate-base64.txt
  5. Set the contents of the certificate-base64.txt file to the MACOS_CERTIFICATE environment variable.

  6. Set the certificate password to the MACOS_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD environment variable.


To notarize your application, you must provide credentials for Taurify to authenticate with Apple:

  • APPLE_API_ISSUER, APPLE_API_KEY and APPLE_API_KEY_PATH: authenticate using an App Store Connect API key. Open the App Store Connect’s Users and Access page, select the Keys tab, click on the Add button and select a name and the Developer access. The APPLE_API_ISSUER (Issuer ID) is presented above the keys table, and the APPLE_API_KEY is the value on the Key ID column on that table. You also need to download the private key, which can only be done once and is only visible after a page reload (the button is shown on the table row for the newly created key). The private key file path must be set via the APPLE_API_KEY_PATH environment variable.
  • APPLE_ID, APPLE_PASSWORD and APPLE_TEAM_ID: alternatively, to authenticate with your Apple ID, set the APPLE_ID to your Apple account email (example: export and the APPLE_PASSWORD to an app-specific password for the Apple account.