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Application Pages

This section provides an overview of the two application pages in CrabNebula Cloud: the private application overview page and the public application market page.

Application Overview Page

The overview page of an application allows you to manage the application and its releases.

At the very top right you can catch a glimpse of the applications status which includes:

  • Asset count
  • Download count
  • Visibility: Either public or private

If the application is public, a link to the market page is also provided just beneath the applications title.

The application overview page is divided into the following sections:

Get Started

Depending on what kind of application type you configured when creating the application, you will see a different set of tiles at the top of the page. This section is meant to provide you with a quick overview of steps you can take to get the most out of CrabNebula Cloud.


For example, depending on whether you want to create a release manually or automate the process, you can choose between the following options:

  • Publish Manually: If you want to create a release manually, you will be taken to a step by step guide with the commands outlined in the release process. For further in-depth explanations, you can follow the steps described in the Release Process starting with the Create a Release page.
  • Setup your CI/CD: If you want to automate the release process, the tile will take you to the Continuous Integration section of this documentation.

Share your Application

Once you published a release, you will be able to share your application with end users. CrabNebula Cloud allows you generate a download button which can be embedded into any website and detects the users OS to provide the correct download link for the respective asset.

After clicking on the Share your app tile, you are prompted to complete the applications metadata and description. Once you have done that, you will have to make the entire application public, so that it can be accessed by end users and a market page is created.

Afterwards you just need to select the respective asset for each OS.

CrabNebula Cloud will provide you with a code snippet that you can embed in your website to allow users to download your application directly from your website. We provide templates for Vanilla CSS and Tailwind CSS.

Tauri Updater

If you created a Tauri app, a tile which shows you how to configure Tauri updater is shown.

You will need to generate signing keys first. CrabNebula Cloud provides you with a configuration snippet where you have to insert your public key. Include this snippet in your src-tauri/tauri.conf.json file.

For more information on how to use the updater, see the Tauri updater docs.


This section includes the following information:

  • Description: Used on the Market page for public applications. Supports markdown styling which can be previewed from the Web UI.
  • Website: A link to the application’s website.
  • Repository: A link to the application’s repository.


The releases section consists of a list of drafts and published releases of the app. For starting of with a new release click the button at the top right of the page. Clicking on an existing release will take you to the an overview page where you can manage the release, download the release assets and delete the release if it has not been published yet.

Danger Zone

Here you are able to delete the application or change its visibility.

Application Market Page

When an application is set to public, the market page for end users is created. It provides users with information about the application and gives them the ability to download the application.


In the left sidebar users see a downloads section which matches the OS bundle types with the current user’s operating system:

  • Linux users see a button for deb, rpm, appimage or pacman bundles.
  • macOS users have a button for .dmg files.
  • Windows users see nsis or wix installers.

Below the download section users see information about the latest release of the app including the version number and release date.


On the right side of the page, users can see the applications description in rendered Markdown styling and the applications metadata. This includes the applications website and repository.